The Philippine government has become too decisive in the COVID-19 vax drive that you don’t wonder why, do you?

The Philippines is not the only government in the world that is too decisive to subject its citizens to take the COVID-19 vaccines. These vaccines, despite being under clinical trials and an emergency use authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),[1] were widely implemented to the public including children but not without a waiver of liability[2] signed by the recipients.

This means that for any adverse events following the COVID-19 shots, the recipients declare that they are aware of it and choose to submit themselves voluntarily agreeing to hold the institution or the government and their representatives or implementers harmless.

The EUA status of the COVID-19 vaccines means that FDA allows “the use of unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency,” FDA explained.[3]

This is how they made us believe how serious the COVID-19 could cause a life-threatening scenario.

But which is more threatening than taking unapproved medical products (COVID-19 vaccines) with unapproved uses in an emergency, which may highly likely pose much too great a risk unacceptable to the whole of humanity?

Dengvaxia. Does it sound familiar?[4] But you even don’t wonder why, do you?

The World Survived the Previous Pandemics

Over 45 million died in various parts of the world when the Plague of Justinian hit as the first outbreak of the pandemic in 541–750 AD.

For seven years (1346–1353), the Black Death claimed the lives of nearly 200 million people in Eurasia and North Africa. It was recorded as the most fatal pandemic in human history.

In the 1870s, smallpox caused as many as 20 million death.

In February 1918, the Spanish flu pandemic, the deadliest in history, caused the death of nearly 50 million people and infected more or less 500 million people around the world or one-third of the world’s population at that time.

As of Nov. 9, 2021, over 5 million death has been recorded since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.[5]

That is, only a fraction of the yearly death toll of the previous pandemics not to mention how advanced the reporting and recording technology is nowadays compared to centuries ago.

Either there might be an underreporting or overreporting, whichever for us is comfortable to think about.

Decisiveness on COVID-19 vax drive
A screengrab from the World Health Organization coronavirus dashboard.

Yet, the government acted as if people would be exterminated by COVID-19. Hence, vaccinations, despite being under clinical trials, were decisively enforced on the people and now brewing to make mandatory. By now, have you ever wondered why?

Inconsistent COVID-19 Protocols

In the United States alone, the federal government under the Biden administration is marred by inconsistencies in policy and health protocols that forced states to devise their guidelines. Thus, creating confusion, especially on what is deemed to be “essential”.

In the Philippines, the same inconsistencies have been palpable in so many considerable respects.

In Canada, wearing face masks is inconsistent in some degrees, in many places, on various occasions.

In the Philippines, the same inconsistencies have been observed. Just look around you.

Again, in the Philippines alone, inconsistencies in COVID-19 health protocol implementation have become a way of life during this pandemic.

It would be tiring to point out all inconsistencies in the COVID-19 protocols in all countries throughout the world. But our common sense can see all those through.

The point is while governments are too inconsistent in their COVID-19 protocols and policies, they are all unified and consistent in only one thing: vaccination. And they want so badly to implement it mandatory. By now, have you ever wondered why?

Experts Have Different Findings

The notion that mandatory vaccination does increase vaccine uptake is baseless as an EU-funded project found no evidence, an article from stated.

The article further stated that according to the Nuffield Council of Bioethics, mandatory vaccination “may be justified for highly contagious and serious diseases.”[6]

But the Public Health England, the article continued, “does not classify COVID-19 as a high-consequence infectious disease due to its relatively low case fatality rate.”[7]

Now, regardless of how the Philippine government positions its reports on COVID-19 cases and death tolls, are we convinced that the statistics reported by the government and the media speak the real state of the nation?

Are we convinced that COVID-19 in our country is as contagious and serious as what the governments made it appear to us hence mandatory vaccination can be justified?

Despite all that, the government is just either too desperate or too decisive in the COVID-19 vax drive. Besides, it even came to the point of disregarding the basic human rights of individuals’ autonomy should it decide to make the vaccination mandatory. Would you like to wonder why?

Life-Threatening Findings Even After COVID-19 Jabs

A recent study reveals “immunological alterations” after COVID-19 vaccination (Liu et al, 2021).[8] Hence, the study recommends extra caution when administering the COVID-19 vaccines to people having existing health conditions, such as diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, kidney failure, and clotting disorders.

The UK Health Security Agency’s “Vaccine Surveillance” reveals the progressive damage or damage that worsens over time that COVID-19 vaccines, it said, “are doing to the immune response of the fully vaccinated.”[9]

Vaccinated Shed More Than Unvaccinated

Furthermore, a study reveals that vaccinated individuals shed infectious COVID-19 more than unvaccinated people.[10]

Despite this finding, the government has consistently been convincing the public to take jabs as, accordingly, unvaccinated people transmit or infect others. ▲ [Continue reading to Part 2]


[1] Department of Health. (2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Q and A: Since clinical trials are only about to begin in the Philippines, does this mean that the vaccines which are being procured by the government cannot yet claim their efficacy, or are the upcoming clinical trials for vaccine brands other than those available?

[2] Annex A: Informed Consent Form for AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccines. Department of Health Memorandum No. 2021 – 0123 dated March 4, 2021. Subject: Interim Guidelines for the Management and Administration of the AstraZeneca (ChAdOx1-S [recombinant]) COVID-19 Vaccine

[3] Food and Drug Administration. (2020). Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained.

[4] Lo, Chris. (2019). The dengue vaccine dilemma. Pharmaceutical Technology.

[5] World Health Organization coronavirus dashboard

[6] Griffiths, Sophia. (2019). The rise of vaccine hesitancy.

[7] Public Health England. (2021). High consequence infectious diseases.

[8] Liu, J., Wang, J., Xu, J. et al. Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines. Cell Discov 7, 99 (2021).

[9] The Expose. (2021). UK Government reports suggest the fully vaccinated are rapidly developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and the immune system decline has now begun in children.

[10] Riemersma, Kasen K., Grogan, Brittany E. et al. Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination. medRxiv preprint. (2021).

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