4 Important Benefits of Interactive Screens for Post-Pandemic Education

The benefits of interactive screens are believed to promote motor skills and boost the visual digital learning experience (Estefania et al, 2018). Businesses or even most industries need much more calibrated decisions when it comes to technology that provides the most benefits to its consumers, especially a much more advanced technology to the education sectors that will provide their different learners a more advanced learning experience in the post-pandemic education setting.

But how far would information and communication technology (ICT) preparedness go after the COVID-19 pandemic hit us without warning?

ICT evolves so fast and even too fast for the world to better cope with and find more stable grasps to understand better than this lightning-fast evolving technology does. Some sectors in our society are trying harder the best as they could to catch it up maybe even too worried to be left behind.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposes us all. It shows our embarrassing pedigree. Despite how we believed it is that of education system we have had, still we were caught off guard almost devastated not only in health care system but also the ICT intelligence and preparedness.

The new normal education setting post pandemic will head us to embrace the technologically-advanced environment to help the system continue functioning. Interactive screens or touch displays benefits help students and teachers increase their motivation and learning.

Benefits of Interactive Screens or Touch Displays

1. Boosts learning process management

Interactive screens or touch displays benefits range from effective collaboration to interactive engagement with students. This technology provides an avenue to work and engage with various learning approaches. It also shares content and work experiences easily and instantly.

Furthermore, learning modules and game software applications are also some of the benefits of interactive screens to bank on. These interactive applications help students facilitate the learning process. They can also be installed with demonstrations or activity procedures that match the learning capability of both students and teachers.

Moreover, students and teachers could easily search and pull information from the Internet. They can make creative ways or do experimentation that enhances their creativity and active learning approaches.

2. Improves learning and provides effective feedback

Heritage et al (2009) found that teachers are far good at concluding their students’ understanding. But the “weakest link” is the use of feedback.

Giving feedback provides a more conducive learning process especially when used effectively. Doing so would provide greater learning experiences making students learn more and quickly.

By introducing the use of interactive screens or touch display in the learning process, giving feedback would become easy, on-time, and effective.

These interactive devices can be installed for problem-solving exercises and provide feedback instantly as necessary. They can also demonstrate to students the step-by-step process in solving problems making them understand the subject well.

In addition, using the technology of interactive screens, students and teachers would be able to research. They can also draw diagrams and discuss the subject with them easily. Hence, they can provide timely feedback on students’ understanding of the subjects.

Interactive screens also provide text-to-speech software to facilitate students in their learning process effectively. As versatile as it is, it reinforces student learning in visual and abstract information. It helps them achieve the optimum level of learning potentials.

3. Promotes critical thinking skills

Critical thinking skills are such must-have skills for students. They must be able to learn it to stay abreast with the competitiveness the world can offer.

The benefits of this technology of interactive touch displays also help students develop their critical life skills—problem-solving and critical thinking. These skills will make them get more competitive.

Furthermore, these learning devices enable the learning process of connectedness in developing knowledge.

McKinsey Global Institute’s report shows an impressive analysis. It analyzes the number and types of jobs created and lost to automation through 2030. It does so much impact on the global workforce.

By infusing technology into the learning approaches, it helps students understand well. The benefits of interactive screens help students in the learning process and also guide them to acquire and develop social-emotional learning competencies. This core competency is useful in decision-making.

4. Fun and easy

Interactive screens are, indeed, fun. These devices easily capture attention and boost learning engagement. With detailed instructions, teachers and students would be able to easily navigate the dynamic displays of the technology. As touch-screen kiosks in fast-food restaurants and public services are getting conspicuous, they provide a sense of familiarity and easiness.

Both teachers and students will find interactive screens or touch displays fun, easy, and effective in optimizing their learning experiences. ▲


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